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Does Your Skin Feel Greasy After Sunscreen? Here’s Your Solution!

When life gives you oily skin, make it glow!

Why Does My Face Look Oily After Applying Sunscreen?

Does your face turn oily every time after applying sunscreen?

Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many struggle with this. 

Let’s dive into the mistakes you might be making and figure out what you should do instead to tackle this issue.

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Why Does My Face Look Oily After Applying Sunscreen?

Why Does My Face Look Oily After Applying Sunscreen?

It can happen if your sunscreen has ingredients like emollients and oils. These kind of hydrating sunscreens work wonders for dry and normal skin, giving that extra moisture boost. 

However, if you have oily skin, these sunscreens may leave your skin looking oily and feeling greasy. And it’s time to switch up your sunscreen.

Can I Skip Sunscreen for Oily Skin?

Can I Skip Sunscreen for Oily Skin?

Absolutely not.

I can totally get you. It can be tempting to just ditch the sunscreen when you are feeling greasy after putting it on.

But skipping sunscreen is no solution at all. It’s undeniably the most important step in your AM skincare routine.

Skipping it can bring multiple skin issues, like UV damage, premature aging, pigmentation, and what not! And the worst part? It can put your skin’s health at risk. 

How Do I Choose the Right Sunscreen for Oily Skin?

How Do I Choose the Right Sunscreen for Oily Skin?

There are two types of sunscreens: mineral (or physical) and chemical.

Mineral sunscreens work for all skin types, even if your skin is sensitive. They usually give a matte finish, but some might leave a bit of a white cast.

On the flip side, chemical sunscreens blend really well, but some might make your skin feel oily. So you have to try a few to see which one works best for you.

While picking a sunscreen for your oily skin, here’s a simple checklist you must follow. 

  1. Matte finish
  2. Oil free
  3. Feels light on your skin
  4. Not sticky at all
  5. SPF 30 or even higher
  6. Shields you from UVA and UVB (broad spectrum protection)
  7. Doesn’t clog your pores (non-comedogenic)
  8. Stays even if you sweat (water-resistant)
  9. Has stuff like niacinamide to keep that oil in check. 

Tick off as many of these as you can, and you’re good to go!

Pro Tip: If your skin is on the sensitive side, go for a physical or mineral sunscreen. They’re the safest as they create a physical barrier by sitting on the top of your skin, blocking UV damage. And if your skin is very sensitive, it’s even safer to consult a dermatologist. They can give you advice on what your skin needs.

How Do I Avoid an Oily Look On My Face After Applying Sunscreen?

How Do I Avoid an Oily Look On My Face After Applying Sunscreen?

First things first, make sure you’re using the right sunscreen for your oily skin. When picking a sunscreen, think about your skin type first, just like you would do with any other skincare product.

Choosing the right one can help you deal with that greasy feeling.

Pro Tip: If you notice your skin getting too oily, especially in hot weather, this hack will help you. Grab some translucent powder and gently dab it onto your skin using a brush. Avoid sweeping it, as that might wipe off the sunscreen too.

Can I Skip Moisturizer and Use Sunscreen?

Can I Skip Moisturizer and Use Sunscreen?

If your face gets extremely oily in the morning, feel free to skip the moisturizer. Start with a serum designed for oily skin, and then jump straight to the sunscreen. But never ignore the moisturizer in your PM skincare routine.

And sometimes it’s ok to skip moisturizer for oily skin. Like, on those humid days when your skin feels super greasy, you can go with sunscreen only. But in the long run, skipping the moisturizing part isn’t the best idea.

I understand that having oily skin might make you think moisturizer isn’t necessary. But the fact is skipping it signals the oil glands to produce more oil (sebum) to keep your skin moisturized. As a result, your skin will become even more oilier.

So, what’s the solution? Go for lightweight hydrating moisturizers designed for oily skin. They get absorbed quickly, providing your skin with the hydration it needs.

Here are some moisturizers you can try out.

You may check out my article featuring reviews on the best hydrating moisturizers for oily skin.

How to Apply Sunscreen for Oily Skin?

How to Apply Sunscreen for Oily Skin?

You already know how to choose sunscreen for your oily skin. Now here are the things you should keep in mind while applying sunscreen.

Start with applying your skincare stuff, like acne treatments and moisturizer. Finish up with the sunscreen. it should be the final touch in your entire AM skincare routine.

Take two finger lengths of sunscreen, dot it all over your face, and gently massage. Remember, no rubbing.

And don’t forget areas like your hairline, eyes, temples, behind the ears, and neck.

Now apply your makeup if you want. 

Pro Tip: If you’re struggling to blend sunscreen seamlessly, try this simple trick: apply sunscreen in layers. It makes the sunscreen effortlessly blend into your skin.

Can Sunscreen Cause Acne?

Can Sunscreen Cause Acne?

Sunscreen breakouts can happen for two reasons. Either it’s clogged pores from comedogenic ingredients or sensitivity to chemical sunscreen agents.

If you’re using sunscreen without a non-comedogenic label. And you’re acne-prone, that sunscreen might be the cause.

For sensitive skin, certain chemical sunscreen agents like avobenzone and octocrylene can lead to breakouts.

It’s always better to consult with a dermatologist if your skin is sensitive.

Which Sunscreen Is Best for Oily and Sensitive Skin?

Which Sunscreen Is Best for Oily and Sensitive Skin?

If you have sensitive skin, you might notice it getting red, itchy, or irritated after applying sunscreen. In that case, ditch the chemical sunscreens.

A mineral or physical sunscreen is the best pick for you. Look for ones with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide as the sunscreen agents. You can check out these mineral sunscreens for oily skin.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with oily skin can be a bit tricky. I hope you found the answers to some of the most commonly asked sunscreen questions for oily skin types.

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